Wrabbit ApS was established in 2020 in Aarhus by Tine and Dennis. Tine is a trained veterinarian and has for many years worked in private practice where she primarily deals with pets. Tine has a lot of experience in diagnosis and treatment of diseases in rabbits, and by virtue of her work she has encountered countless rabbits with paw sores.
There has simply not been a good solution in the market for rabbits with paw sores that are both effective, comfortable and organic. Therefore, Tine decided to develop a dressing sock that could meet the needs, as well as be easy for the owner to put on.
Great news !! We have reduced our cost of production of the popular Wrabbit-Socks and without compromising on the high quality. We let all of you loyal customers benefit from this. That is why we are now lowering the price of our standard socks!per!

Paw sores in rabbits can be complicated to treat and often a satisfactory result is not achieved. An important reason why the treatment often fails is that the bandages bother the rabbit, who will try to bite it off or bite it to pieces.

A fast rabbit is a happy rabbit
You can always contact us at info@wrabb-it.com. The response time is always within 24 hours, and we are happy to help with all possible questions. Alternatively, you can write to us on both Facebook or Instagram.